Company loyalty- What has been your favorite?

Thinking about the many different companies, brands and

High end- Krell, Bryston, Ayre, etc
Popular- Pioneer Elite, Sony, Yamaha, Denon, Onkyo, etc
Smaller-(purists) Butler Audio, Odyssey, Red Wine, etc
Good reputation- Marantz, Sunfire, Arcam, McIntosh

Do you have a brand that you are loyal to? If so, please state why you are? Sound? Quality? Service? etc
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2x2psyop
Two companies come to my mind when I consider quality/sound, price and service. Grado - A little "Mom and Pop" as far as letting you know when you will get something back but they go the extra mile. Channel Island- I had read many positive comments about the company's founder Duster V. and my interactions with him and the company only reinforced those comments.
Butler, Manley - Not often you can converse directly with the designer/cheif engineer

Oppo - Excellent customer service and bang-for-the-buck products.

Over the 15 years that I've used Naim products, reliability and service have been stellar. Sonically, the expense of each and every upgrade I've made has justified itself in clearly heightened performance. Though Naim's solutions to the challenges of high end audio are uniquely individual, the end application and use is gratifyingly simple. And the equipment's reliability lets me forget about it while I enjoy year after year of great music.
Sonus Faber - The sound is AWESOME & the look is FABULOUS!
VAC - The build quality & the sound - I have some of Kevin's best work ever.
Denon Receiver & Universal player for HT - They work great together.
Pioneer Elite Pro Plasma - Simply the best picture.
Eggleston Works - Great sound for HT & almost impossible to tip over.