Some of the Best speakers for Prog Rock/Metal

Hi guys,

I'm in the hunt for speakers, preferably floorstanders, that would be best suited for progressive rock/metal. Common bands I listen to, to name a few, are: Opeth, Tool, Agalloch, Kamelot, Dark Tranquillity, Dream Theater, Porcupine Tree, Nightwish, etc. If any of you know some of these bands, you know that they're not just balls out metal, but they have a lot more intricacies to them as well.

I honestly don't even know where to begin in the search for speakers that would be best for this. I do know that I plan on getting a tube CDP and tube amps to go with whatever speakers. So, list out some speakers/brands that would be great for this. At this point, don't worry about budget, just nothing above the $8-10K range.
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That all makes perfect sense, thank you for your insight. I'm guessing the best thing to do is just define a budget, so to as many audio stores as possible, and listen listen listen.

One thing I've always wondered though, is how do you take your experience from what you've heard at one place and compare it to another? What I mean is, every store has different brands/equipment/components running to various speakers? Doesn't this change the effect of the speakers and performance in comparison to other locations? There are just so many variables to take into consideration!
Thanks Hey.

I think your getting a lot of good info to work with here so far and will be very well informed when the time comes around.

I've found you are usually better off in terms of value you get for the $$$ with audio the longer you can wait. The latest designs currently will likely start to become available second hand down the road at considerable reduced cost. And more people will start to turn over older more popular designs which drives the cost down on those as well as people tend to move towards the latest and greatest.

Good luck!
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..and the best way to find the right speaker is to look for feedback and opinions on the internet.

If you find 5-6 seemingly knowledgeable people agree on a particular characteristic of a particular speaker that appeals to you, then there is a very good chance it is a true fact. Then look deeper to see what kinds of systems those people run the speaks on for more info on how to get the most out of them.

Once you find the patterns of useful info based on what people say, then check for professional reviews on-line or in magazines to see what the professional reviewers say as an additional check, but I'd take pro reviews with a grain of salt as well. Its more important that there is a consensus among many than whether any one individual cares for a product or not.