Thanks Hey.
I think your getting a lot of good info to work with here so far and will be very well informed when the time comes around.
I've found you are usually better off in terms of value you get for the $$$ with audio the longer you can wait. The latest designs currently will likely start to become available second hand down the road at considerable reduced cost. And more people will start to turn over older more popular designs which drives the cost down on those as well as people tend to move towards the latest and greatest.
Good luck!
I think your getting a lot of good info to work with here so far and will be very well informed when the time comes around.
I've found you are usually better off in terms of value you get for the $$$ with audio the longer you can wait. The latest designs currently will likely start to become available second hand down the road at considerable reduced cost. And more people will start to turn over older more popular designs which drives the cost down on those as well as people tend to move towards the latest and greatest.
Good luck!