Looking to buy a complete 2 chanel system

I have been tinkering with mid hi end systems since the early 1970s. Put a home theater system in 2 years ago. Now I want to buy a dedicated 2 channel system (tubes or digital)in another room.
Would love to go to the local dealer and hand him a blank check and say load me up. But I did not win the lotery, so need to find good used equipment. From power conditioners,racks, cables/ wire, amps, preamps, music server or CD player, etc. I want a system that plays music soft with detail or crank it up to ear drum shattering levels. Do not want to get into phono at this time.Just trying to make as few mistakes as possible.
My budget is $10 to $20,000. I live in south east Florida, so shipping charges can add up. I listen mostly to classic rock but love Sheffield Labs master recordings.
Been looking at agon for days, can't afford the big name stuff so give some suggestions.
I have always liked McCormack electronics. They come up for sale fairly ofter, Steve McCormack is still actively building, designing and updating his stuff so you can get service. And, if you get electronics built by the same manufacturer, whether its McCormack, CJ, Krell, etc, they should match perfectly both in performance and looks. With you budget, I would consider separates rather than an integrated amp because they are more flexible if you want to upgrade later. Good luck.
Bwoodham...I think your request is too open ended to get useful feedback from folks here. Do you have local dealers in your area where you can go and audition different type of equipment? My suggestion is to go and listen to a bunch of different speakers (dynamic box designs, electrostats, planars), amps (both tube and solid state), digital sources, etc...and see if there are certain types of speaker designs or tube vs. solid state amplification that you find are more appealing to you. When you decide what types of speakers and amplification float your boat, and maybe if there were certain brands that you liked in combination with one another, I would come back and ask your question with a more directed focus. This way you will be able to get much more tailored advice to your specific tastes. Also, I wouldn't blow off the dealer route altogether. Establishing a relationship with a good dealer can pay dividends over time in building and improving your system over the long haul. You can always buy certain pieces from a local dealer and other pieces of Agon as well. One thing to look out for in terms of economizing and still buying through a dealer is used or demo equipment they may have on sale. The upside of demo equipment is that not only do you get a more aggressive discounted price but you usually still get warranty coverage as well, which you typically do not get buying used off of Agon. My 2c worth. Good luck.
Here is what I will do:

Mac Mini with 4G RAM $ 800
Pure Music software $ 130
A pair of 2TB Seagate FreeAgent
Desk HD for Mac USB2.0, FireWire 800
(1 for primary, 1 for backup) $ 400
iPad for remote $ 500

Benchmark DAC-1 HDR $1,900

Quicksilver Audio V4 120W mono $4,900/pair

Vandersteen Quatro $7,500/pair

Total $16,130

All prices are for new equipment. It will be lower of couse if you can buy

That leave you $3,870 for rack and cable. I wouldn't go crazy on cable but it
is kind of like religion so it is up to you.

Almost forgot. In order to get the most out of a digital system, make sure you
put a ferrite snap-on core on each end of every USB, Firewire and power
One thing I've learned over the years of enjoying this hobby is that people have different tastes. From your post it looks like you haven't figured out what you might like.
I'm with Cmalak when he suggests that you listen to some systems to get an idea of what's important to you. In your price range you could (hypothetically) put together 2 very good systems that on paper are highly regarded. But one you might love and one you might be disappointed with.
thanks for your responses, I was hoping someone had it all figured out. After years of testing and trying, someone found the majic bullet. Save me all the "fun" . Like looking for a reference sytem to start, and then tweak it to my own liking. I don't know where to start. Find a front end and then find speakers or visa versa. Tubes seem like alot of work and maintenance (money).Looking for someone who's been there...done that. Or maybe someone that has a nice system for sale ????