Looking to buy a complete 2 chanel system

I have been tinkering with mid hi end systems since the early 1970s. Put a home theater system in 2 years ago. Now I want to buy a dedicated 2 channel system (tubes or digital)in another room.
Would love to go to the local dealer and hand him a blank check and say load me up. But I did not win the lotery, so need to find good used equipment. From power conditioners,racks, cables/ wire, amps, preamps, music server or CD player, etc. I want a system that plays music soft with detail or crank it up to ear drum shattering levels. Do not want to get into phono at this time.Just trying to make as few mistakes as possible.
My budget is $10 to $20,000. I live in south east Florida, so shipping charges can add up. I listen mostly to classic rock but love Sheffield Labs master recordings.
Been looking at agon for days, can't afford the big name stuff so give some suggestions.
Bwoodham...this is why i suggested you listen for yourself. There is no absolute killer system as different people have different tastes in what they are looking for. So you will get very well intended advice but that reflects the personal tastes of those posting. By the way, when I put together my system about 5 years ago, I found the process of going to audition different pieces and reading about them in the various audio mags/websites to be a lot of fun. Also it makes you a better/more critical listener. Just a suggestion. Good luck.
Cmalak (and most others), thanks for the good advise, the journey is half the fun. I talked to Walter Lieberman, he recommends the Emerald Physics 2.3 and a Wyred 4 Sound amp,
and the Apogee Ensemble system. Any imput ????
Yes, by all means, follow Walt's advice. His advice is way better than any other you will find.
thanks all for good advise. Talked to Walt and will order his system consisting of:
Emerald Physics 2.7 speakers
Spacial Computer Prism Ortheus system
Wyred 4 Sound ST 1000 bass amp.
Modwright KWA 100 midrange/tweeter amp
PS Audio PP2000 Regenerator
Mac computer and Ipad
should have it all within 3 to 4 weeks... will post an update if there is any interest.
Sure. Let us know how it's sounding once you have it all set up and broken it in some. Thx