Upgrade with best price/performance ratio

Just wondering what was your upgrade with the best price/performance ration in your audio journey ... like upgrading an IC, preamp etc ...

Let me start:

-Corian pieces leftover from kitchen upgrade project

out of boredom I used the Corian chopping boards and put them in between the shelf's MDF board and BDR cones. The effect was a big surprise ...

- much quieter background, solid bass and cleaned up mid and treble.
Furutech fuses make a surprising difference for the small investment whcih they require.
(disclaimer: I am a dealer)

Jim Smith's book Get Better Sound for $25 or $30 is great also. i do not sell that though :-)
Room treatments. Nothing can sound right in a bad room.

Ferrite snap-on core noise filter. About $2 each. Put one on each end of all
digital cables and power cables saved me from buying audiophile brand cables.

Replace batteries in my Vandy 5 crossovers. It is not really an upgrade, more like
a maintenance but the effect is really day and night.
My Machina Dynamica (Modified) Clever Little Clocks with two P.W.B. Electronics Memory Foils on each battery!.. foil@belt.demon.co.uk
Hello Buff : I read your post on Audiogon re the Furutech fuses. What were the differences you heard and in what kind of equipment ? Have you compared Furutech to other high end fuses? If so, what are your impressions ? Thanks tubey / Vasil
Maestro ac outlets...$79 Made my cheap entry level system sound like a much higher priced system !.. far less HIFI sounding to more believable.. more REAL sounding !.. for ONLY $79 !..