Rolling Stone Mag 100 Greatest Guitarists

You probably have seen Rolling Stone Mag has updated their 100 Greatest guitarists list. How can you watch "Jeff Beck Live At Ronnie Scott's" and not choose him at #1. Jeff loved Jimi, but there is no longevity to his credentials as was the case with Duane Allman. If you see Jeff live you cannot take your eyes off his fingers and the concert is over before you realize it. Most guitarists would pick him. And where was Les Paul or Stevie Ray Vaughan?
"rolling stone blows. i wouldn't pay much attention to their lists."


And I don't need a magazine to tell me who the top guitarists are.
:) seriously. they must just assemble all these lists to generate web traffic. i honestly can't think of any of my personal acquaintances, many of whom are passionate about music, who subscribe to RS. and this has been the case for about 20 years now.
I don't know. I think it's fun to read what Tom Petty has to say about George Harrison or Robert Randolph about Duane Allman.

I'm also surprised at how much I agree with their list. They are mostly 50s and 60s rock players or bluesmen. My kind of guitar. Just remember it has nothing to do with who really is best, it's for entertainment purposes only.
that is pretty cool. i always loving hearing musicians i love refer to other musicians i love. like hearing the guys from cream talk about hendrix cutting clapton. love all the stories and impressions. speaking of which, if you haven't seen it, look on youtube for prince doing "while my guitar gently weeps" from some vhs special. i watched it again recently and am continually floored by his facility with the instrument.