Allow give you some wisdom: JW Audio. As mentioned above, I can attest to the fact that his Reference IC's, as well as his sc, are simply the best cables I have used. My past list includes the likes of Synergistic, Tara, DH Labs and Q (both really good cables), though Q was superior in the system I had then, but the JW is just by superior to all of these. I agree in different systems, one is going to experience different synergies but a good cable is a good cable. The JW is Cryo treated and cooked, and you don't pay for the fancy marketing hocus pocus that brand name companies use for the cooking treatment. Once I wired my system up with JW (for less than $500) Total mind you, I was done horsing around with cables. Mission accomplished. He has a 30 day so test my words and hold fast to what is true boss. Happy listening!