Wow great descriptions if High Fidelity gear! Thanks!! I agree with Mapman that they are useful posts. So good to see many positive experiences today. These dramatic shifts in playback resolution and realness Is why I've been so wildly enthusiastic. Never heard anything so amazing in audio. I've been listening to music since the 1950's and been a serious audiophile since 1980. Building systems with maximum sound for minimum money. Audio reviewers compared my $35K system to mid six figure systems. Decades of DIY HI End work and ultra tweaking got me impressive system sound. Best i'd heard until High Fidelity came along and changed audio as we know it. I became insanely awed by this new world in audio so price did not matter anymore. Sure it was a struggle to spend thousands where I used to spend hundreds but
I'm so happy and thrilled every day I don't mind spending 70% of my income on it. Do I sound like an audiohaulic? I am, and High Fidelity Cables are the sweet sweet candy that I crave. Caution: High Fidelity cables may be habit forming... ;-) enjoy the music!! DD.
I'm so happy and thrilled every day I don't mind spending 70% of my income on it. Do I sound like an audiohaulic? I am, and High Fidelity Cables are the sweet sweet candy that I crave. Caution: High Fidelity cables may be habit forming... ;-) enjoy the music!! DD.