Best speaker for under 2gs

In the market for new speakers. Full range, planar/ monitors, makes no difference, just want some opinions. Running tubes at the moment, that too can change.
In the brand new segment, perhaps SF, Quad, PMC. Personally, i like the second hand market a lot for speakers as, providing they are well cared for, there are relatively fewer moving parts to worry about (compared with digital, tube pres, etc)

In which case, there is a lot for $2K one can buy that is sensational. If interested, happy to post, otherwise, good luck with the new stuff!!
There is no definitive "best" of anything. There are way too many variables involved. The "best" you can hope for is to find something that works well in your system. You can then say it's the "best" for you until you find something you think is better !!!!
To feel comfortable giving a recommendation I'd need to know a bit more about your space and musical preferences, as well as what aspects of musical reproduction are most important to you.
Gerry, as noted above there is no "best" as there are too many unknowns. I would recommend 1.7 Maggies for under $2K but it wouldn't be worth squat if you didn't have the juice to run them nor the space to let them breathe.

Provide some more details as your current system, room and desired listening levels and maybe the type of music you like to listen to and I trust you'll get some relevant recommendations...