The real challenge with after-market car audio today is that it isn't all that easy to improve on the audio equipment included with the vehicle -- which is often integrated with other systems in the car and has frequently had its frequency response and imaging "tuned" to the vehicle's interior -- and this is especially true with upscale vehicles. Add to this the fact that the quality of after-market installs varies so widely (I once had an iPod interface added to a Toyota Avalon -- it worked, sort of, for awhile) and you probably find a lot of audiophiles reluctant to take the plunge.
I wish you well with your new store -- I think we are in dire need of good, reliable places to audition and purchase affordable hifi equipment. But I'm not sure how much demand there is among audiophiles for after-market audio equipment, except possibly adapters for mobile music players in cars that don't have them. Perhaps others can offer more insight.
I wish you well with your new store -- I think we are in dire need of good, reliable places to audition and purchase affordable hifi equipment. But I'm not sure how much demand there is among audiophiles for after-market audio equipment, except possibly adapters for mobile music players in cars that don't have them. Perhaps others can offer more insight.