I have just returned from the Consumers Electronics Show. I heard little realism there. I heard good sound reproduction with some of it not sounding as directly out of the speakers and with some presenting a big sound stage. But not one gave the realism that I heard last night listening to my system!
I cannot say that the HFC cables or my Ultimate Reference level of those cables is totally responsible for what I hear, but certainly can say that they are an essential part. I have recently removed all of them and lost the realism. I have also removed the Tripoint Troy Signature and the new Thor SE grounding cable and lost the realism. But removing all the isolation or removing all the components and substituting others was more than I was will to do.
There were no HFCables at CES, that I saw.
I cannot say that the HFC cables or my Ultimate Reference level of those cables is totally responsible for what I hear, but certainly can say that they are an essential part. I have recently removed all of them and lost the realism. I have also removed the Tripoint Troy Signature and the new Thor SE grounding cable and lost the realism. But removing all the isolation or removing all the components and substituting others was more than I was will to do.
There were no HFCables at CES, that I saw.