jolida issues? first tube amp

this is my first tube amp.
i have been a memeber for a while and a owner of some wonderful proac tablettes for about a year. listening to them on my sony es digital amp. they sound great. all i keep hearing is about tubes tubes... so i purchased a jolida 150 rc hybrid amp. problems. first the speaker post isolator discentgrated, so i sent it in. now the fuse in the back keeps blowing when i plug in the amp w/o anything or speakers connected. when i called about the shipping they said it was ont eh bench being tested- a park bench? spent $100 on shipping and fixing the GD speaker post. now i have to send it back for this. are all of the tube amps this quality? if so i will stick with my mass produced sony. the sound cant be worth all this headache. i cant imagine if i spent over 1k for this.

Reliability issues are what keep me from using tube equipment. It's been years since I owned a tube integrated.
While I wouldn't debate the sonic benefits of tubes, if tweaking/fiddling with your equipment is why you love this hobby then tubes are for you.
I owned a 1703 Jolida a few years ago and it worked perfect. I own their CD player (JD 100) and it also works perfect. Love it!!!!

Most tube amps should not be powered up with no load, ie. speakers not connected. This is probably the reason the fuse keeps blowing. Don't do that anymore.

couple of things....

"when i called about the shipping they said it was ont eh bench being tested- a park bench?"

LOL! no, it's not a park bench! they spoke to you in typical engineering terminology - a test-bench where equipment is tested is colloquially refered to a "bench" in short-form. typically, a test-bench (or bench) is a rigid metal table with 4 sturdy legs that can take the weight of some heavy test equipment (signal sources, spectrum analyzer, oscilloscope, network analyzers, etc). Often this bench has a hutch so that some of the equipment can be stacked onto it as there is not enough space on the bench itself to accomodate all the test equipment & DUT (device under test).
hope that this clarifies.

agree with Rhljazz - tube equipment does NOT like to be switched on without a load (such as a speaker) & the reason for this is that if the load is disconnected, the anode/plate voltage of the output tubes can reach thousands of volts as a result of this open-circuit. This will most likely blow the fuse (as you are experiencing).
HI jupiterfish,

Not sure what to make of this as the Jolida equipment has been nothing but excellent the last several years. You mentioned spending over $1000 for a 1501RC?? You must be including all the shipping to Jolida? Retail is $750.

Jolida did have some QC issues many years back but lately have been very good with the more recent designs.

" equipment does NOT like to be switched on without a load......"
The 1501RC is a Hybrid design with a solid state output section. It sounds like a ground/short problem with the fuse blowing upon turn-on.

I have been selling Jolida gear for 10 years and teh 1501RC since it's introduction. I don't think I have 3 units go in for any service work. One of these was do to a bad tube and the customer was not comfortable with changing it on his own. The other two (that I know of) were sent in to have the RCA input jacks replaced due to the ground coming out in interconnect cables. The new versions do not use these cheap RCAs and no more problems have been reported.

I have an older version in my home that has not been shut off since 2001 and it has not skipped a beat. Even has the original 12AX7 Chinese tubes in it!!

What version do you have? Does it have the fixed and variable out?

As far as the rest of the gear, such as the 102B mentioned, these have also come a loooong way with MUCH better internal components including ALPS Blue volume controls.