Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ????

Do to a dumb electrical move I blew a fuse in my amp and thankfully it did just what it was supposed to do. No damage to my amp. What are my replacement options ???? I have heard some audiophile fuse's are out there for $25 a fuse....any comments would be appreciated.
I have found this subject quite interesting.With good arguments on both sides.I have a highly modded,and rebuilt Audio Research pre/phonostage,so decided to actually call the technical folks,at Audio Research,for their thoughts.BTW-I do hear differences in cables/cords,in my set-up.

Here is EXACTLY what Audio Research said--"We have been aware of these fuses and have tried them,in some of our own equipment.We believe that in some cases they slightly improve performance,but not to any significant degree,or to make them worth obtaining.In most cases we feel they change the sound for the worse"!
Now I do have a friend who has just put these in his identical pre/phono,but he,in the past,has been very unreliable regarding any kind of changes.He almost always considers any change to be better.This has usually NOT been consistent.I hope he's correct here,as he likes them,but has not bothered to re-orient them,for comparative purposes.!!

Believe me,I would love these to be viable,but would have to hear for myself,in my own set-up.I'm perched on the fence,for now!
sirspeedy - the fuses are 25 dollars apiece. I say go for it, no guts no glory.
Geoffkait,it's not the money,but the pain in the tush,of actually fotzing around with my stuff,for the ten thousandth time.LITERALLY!!

sirspeedy - know what you mean! Royal PITA. Looking on bright side, AR wouldn't be the first high end company by lomg shot not to realize the fuses are directional and they can sound quite harsh/overlybright when inserted the wrong way. Besides what else ya got to do? :-)
Actually,next week I'm going to my "same pre/phonostage" friend,who has just bought the fuses.He has almost the exact componentry that I do.Except my system is better voiced,and sounds better -:)(a joke,in case he sees this).

He agreed that we would do some comparisons,and I will then know.

BTW--Steve Huntley of Great Northern Sound,who rebuilt/modded my pre/phono claime the fuses are superior to the stock stuff.Steve is a really honest and unbelieveably knowledgeable guy,so he basically cancels out the A/R folks.It becomes a split decision,as of now!!

I'll know for sure,next week!!