This Genko acrylic boards with divits for lacrosse balls (don't make you won our $400 is work extenive research we spent comparing different lacrosse balls.Geesh!) I think is beind Brightstar which I neve really liked because balancing heavy tables on innmer tubes can be a bitch.But for what they charge and with Harvey Wisefelf givingn great review (he's been gioving a lot reviews or oppinions lately-not Cayin amps which may in fact he really good for the money) but think Mr.Vu should come up with a split deck for motors or you have to pick low hight way (maybe these mouse pads which I can't think have enough density to do much) to seperate motor.So what's to do/zIf sold on Fremmers acceleromter readings of Gingko ( not quite as good as Vibraplane but defintelky a vibe killer know should we use three nmini balls and maybe a Black diamonmd under motor.(This could be worth it when you've plonked down $7K on a table/cart or more thinking of my VPI).But with Brightsar they had a split "plinth" or vibe killing sand box and think Gingko should make a platform to seperate motor from rest of deck.BTW Ginglo on other hand has $2500 tube on top of tube isobarick with 3 (count 'em drivers in the mid bass tube with tweeter on top.Given success of previous isobaric designs it maybe a winner.