mouse isolation tweak???????

Have been curious about trying this...has anyone gained an advantage with using mouse pads? thanks Chad
now that youve let the cat out of the bag, look for the $200 dollar audio pad soon.

Now instead of listening to my power cord, cables or fuses, I can listen to my mousepad.
Have one under the motor of my Scoutmaster. Can't say for sure its a huge difference but at least I'm trying.
This Genko acrylic boards with divits for lacrosse balls (don't make you won our $400 is work extenive research we spent comparing different lacrosse balls.Geesh!) I think is beind Brightstar which I neve really liked because balancing heavy tables on innmer tubes can be a bitch.But for what they charge and with Harvey Wisefelf givingn great review (he's been gioving a lot reviews or oppinions lately-not Cayin amps which may in fact he really good for the money) but think Mr.Vu should come up with a split deck for motors or you have to pick low hight way (maybe these mouse pads which I can't think have enough density to do much) to seperate motor.So what's to do/zIf sold on Fremmers acceleromter readings of Gingko ( not quite as good as Vibraplane but defintelky a vibe killer know should we use three nmini balls and maybe a Black diamonmd under motor.(This could be worth it when you've plonked down $7K on a table/cart or more thinking of my VPI).But with Brightsar they had a split "plinth" or vibe killing sand box and think Gingko should make a platform to seperate motor from rest of deck.BTW Ginglo on other hand has $2500 tube on top of tube isobarick with 3 (count 'em drivers in the mid bass tube with tweeter on top.Given success of previous isobaric designs it maybe a winner.