As Bignerd stated and Nrchy affirmed, so long as one uses the appropriate wiring, the geometric configuration of the wiring isn't critical so long as it is properly terminated. If in doubt, check with the local inspector and / or discuss it with a licensed electrician.
As to Nrchy's comments about separating the ground wires as much as possible, i agree. This is especially true if the grounding system has been optimised. Having said that, just getting the ground wire outside of the hot / neutral bundle is of benefit, hence my recommendation to do so.
How far one wants to take all of this is up to the capacity of their wallet. Obviously, better performance can be had over what i recommended. In terms of bang for the buck, convenience and effort required, the approach that i mentioned will be hard to beat. You could do FAR worse for a helluva lot more time, money and effort using much more expensive "audiophile approved" gear and methods. Sean