As the search continues for me, I ran across some items Ethan winer had drawn up about acoustics and DIY stuff. Probably as frankly put and simple as one could ask for... and some items from Sound on Sound magazine. Both point towards 'studio' applications, however I see much of the info applicable to residential use.
As freehand cutting, say with a skill saw, is just not a good idea for me, I'd like to ask if anyone has found or fabricated diffusers that work, without the need for slicing and dicing curved woods..... naturally, the more affordable the better.
And, has anyone found a resource that will allow one to buy the merchandise (room treatments), try them... and if not satisfied, return them... I'm having little luck there.... a couple have said they'll take back their 'standard' stuff.. Fine. As it should be. but there have been ony a couple. most say "it's your's."... no returns.
Thanks. A lot. I do appriciate the thoughts. though my issues are a bit different than what you may have gleaned from my posts... my room is rectangular. 13.5 x 19.75 with openings to either side, though not across from each other and the openings are several feet past the driver of the loudspeakers. I found some 'ratios' for room sizing using the height as the baseline... and given one of those ratios, (there are three), my room comes out as close to great as should be super for listening. the openings which are about to be closed off as sooon as I can decide on the doors to be used, will be of immense help. I'm sure. I have one other door in the room that needs reversing so as to lessen the 'pocket' it creates as is. it's at the first point of reflection of the right speaker. it'll still be there... but only an inch or so, two, at worst.
I did read your posts as you mentioned previously. Funny, I was unable to find the threads doing the search thing... I had to look through the posts for each member to find it. it corresponds to much of what Ethan W. had written. Thanks.
have you found any items other than bookcases that can be used as diffusers behind the speakers? A friend says use the "Skyline" from RPG... Know of a suitable replacement with a smaller price tag?
many thanks.
As freehand cutting, say with a skill saw, is just not a good idea for me, I'd like to ask if anyone has found or fabricated diffusers that work, without the need for slicing and dicing curved woods..... naturally, the more affordable the better.
And, has anyone found a resource that will allow one to buy the merchandise (room treatments), try them... and if not satisfied, return them... I'm having little luck there.... a couple have said they'll take back their 'standard' stuff.. Fine. As it should be. but there have been ony a couple. most say "it's your's."... no returns.
Thanks. A lot. I do appriciate the thoughts. though my issues are a bit different than what you may have gleaned from my posts... my room is rectangular. 13.5 x 19.75 with openings to either side, though not across from each other and the openings are several feet past the driver of the loudspeakers. I found some 'ratios' for room sizing using the height as the baseline... and given one of those ratios, (there are three), my room comes out as close to great as should be super for listening. the openings which are about to be closed off as sooon as I can decide on the doors to be used, will be of immense help. I'm sure. I have one other door in the room that needs reversing so as to lessen the 'pocket' it creates as is. it's at the first point of reflection of the right speaker. it'll still be there... but only an inch or so, two, at worst.
I did read your posts as you mentioned previously. Funny, I was unable to find the threads doing the search thing... I had to look through the posts for each member to find it. it corresponds to much of what Ethan W. had written. Thanks.
have you found any items other than bookcases that can be used as diffusers behind the speakers? A friend says use the "Skyline" from RPG... Know of a suitable replacement with a smaller price tag?
many thanks.