brass outlet covers...anyone try them? Sound good

I have got myself in this outlet cover mess recently and decided why not try a solid mid sized brass cover the home depot sells for $4.99. There was a sticker on it that read pegasus. Why not brass. Is not brass good for resanance.

I am in the process of this and will keep posted on results.
So the outlet cover acts as a drumhead transmitting vibration to the electrical current? Regardless whether one can hear the differences between types of covers, that "explanation" makes absolutely no sense.

Freemand, make a video tape of you describing the differences in sound between outlet covers you observed and post it on YouTube. I guarantee that you'll have your 15 minutes.
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Brass as an RF shield. New constuction electrical boxes with proper mechanical grounding for resonance control. AC mains box with proper mechanical grounding/direct coupling for resonace control. Rememeber this is your first chance for control as IT enters your home. Interested..Tom
This is purely an absurd waste of bandwidth. I'd like to know how much time you spend on room acoustics? Room acoustics are a part of your system than can have very audible improvements.
No offense but you got to be pretty bored listening to receptacle covers.
Just another application of vibrational behavior/acoustics, musical instruments or electronic chassis's.Another benefit maybe a gain in efficiency. Tom