brass outlet covers...anyone try them? Sound good

I have got myself in this outlet cover mess recently and decided why not try a solid mid sized brass cover the home depot sells for $4.99. There was a sticker on it that read pegasus. Why not brass. Is not brass good for resanance.

I am in the process of this and will keep posted on results.
Brass as an RF shield. New constuction electrical boxes with proper mechanical grounding for resonance control. AC mains box with proper mechanical grounding/direct coupling for resonace control. Rememeber this is your first chance for control as IT enters your home. Interested..Tom
This is purely an absurd waste of bandwidth. I'd like to know how much time you spend on room acoustics? Room acoustics are a part of your system than can have very audible improvements.
No offense but you got to be pretty bored listening to receptacle covers.
Just another application of vibrational behavior/acoustics, musical instruments or electronic chassis's.Another benefit maybe a gain in efficiency. Tom
In my system this 5 dollar cover has done more then what a 200 dollar shakti stone has done in my system. Does that mean shakti is no good? No, but IN MY SYSTEM a 5 dollar brass cover was a huge value. People can doubt it, and it would not matter if they do, cause in the end I enjoy my system more and it only cost 5 bucks!!! Good times....

People think we are nuts for putting cones or maple slabs under or components and say that cant change the sound. Anyone who has done it knows how important it is. There will always be naysayers, but if it works in one mans system then who is anyone to say it don't. They can say its a waste of time and just listen, thats fine.

Your right onhwy61, this sounds totally nutty to the normal person and even the audio lover, and I would not be necesarily telling anyone outside the audio world and maybe even in the audio world.....!!!