What wall outlet to purchase?

I would like to know what wall outlet to purchase for my audio system. Right now I use a run-of-the-mill Home Depot outlet. I know PS Audio has them, Albert Porter, Shunyata, etc,etc. Which one do you recommend? What is the best bang for the buck? thanks, Jim
Best bang for the buck is undoubtedly here:

I have 3 different outlets in my theater. Ps audio, Acme silver croyed, and wattgate 381.

I am not to happy with the ps audio. The acme for 5 less dollars is a much more balanced in the frequency rage. The wattgates on steroides but its also 3 times the price.

The acme silver plated is good bang for the buck

Happy listening...
I'll second the Krell man on these,
I like the double cryo'd Oyaide outlets, the red ones (there are 3 to choose from). Purchased mine from Audio Excellence AZ. You can purchase these elsewhere but I don't think they will be cryo'd. Alan can guide you as to which one will fit your sonic needs.