Do we believe in Machina Dynamics?

Let's see: we've had the pebbles, the little clock, the turntable platform that includes only some old springs...and now the Contact Paper CD tweek. Do any of us believe in this? I know Geoff's an advertiser, and actually a very nice guy, but come on, fellow audiophiles...this is all the epitome of snake oil! No?
Every idea was tried, and has failed, numerous times. Despite being a nice guy, all he's selling is audio nonsense.
Tully, I am sorry the threat of perception bias, what you call the placebo effect, keeps you from buying anything, less your ears deceive you. I guess all you can do is buy the cheapest gear and enjoy it.

Freemand, I have tried several times to broaden the issue here to other tweaks, but some persist in mocking MD. Why this is so I too cannot understand. What I do know is that these threads improve Mr. Kait's sales, so I do not worry about him or his reputation. The items are so inexpensive that I think many buy them just to see for themselves. If this is the case, my dismissing the naysayers serves my purpose in painting them as illogical, unscientific, autocratic, and presumptuous of their personal judgment.
Freemand, in a prior response to you I submitted a plausible factual based argument why power cords can work. This is not to 'hammer' you, to coin your phrase, but simply to illustrate that the notion that workable tweak must somehow contradict science, is a false notion. Every workable tweak HAS a very sound and factual basis. In most cases, this can be EASILY explained, as is the case with power cords. There is no black magic in audio.

As far as GK goes. I have read some of his so called white papers. His explanations are contradictory to proven science, and have debunked all over the net. You can do a search on google. Whenever he has been challenged, including this forum, he has not started an factual debate, but resorted to insults, innuendo do and outright lies to discredit anybody that challenges his views. Interestingly, his little shills follow the same strategy.

So I have to ask, why does a person that designs a tweak not know how it works?

I cannot speak for the Brutus awards as I have never heard of them.

Let’s examine this more closely. On one hand we have science, logic, rational thought, objectivity, knowledge, reason, and common sense.

On the other hand we have Norm, Geoff, and Brutus the Wonder Dog.

Beam the trio up Scotty.
Phasors on stun.
Warp factor 5 Mr. Sulu.
Paul, I can understand you thoughts on it. In whole, Geoff has some of the most odd and unusual products out there which by default opens his products up to hammering on or in the very least, question marks.

I have not seen much else outside the audiogon world so I don't have as broad of an understanding how things are handled outside of this forum.

Geoff in some sense has become the poster child for audio geeks to poke fun at. I struggle with the tearing down and beating on the guy endlessly as if the mans not human.

I don't think an explanation of his products is not an unreasonable request and think it's where this whole frustration from audiophiles develops from which may be an area Geoff went wrong in.

Just my opinion!

I guess all you can do is buy the cheapest gear and enjoy it.

I knew it was just a matter of time until Norm resorted to a "my **** is bigger than yours" argument. For someone who shilling phone clicks, in the absence of any intelligent arguments, the ad hominum attcks are inevitable. But suggesting that someone can't afford to buy equipment as good as yours, Norm, is really crossing a line.

Time for you to take a refresher course on Audiogon posting guidelines and crawl back under your rock.