acoustic system resonators

does anyone have any expierence with acoustic resonators?are they worth looking into?
A certain amount of skepticism is a healthy thing, but too much can make us blind to new things. Ah, where is the balance grasshopper?
These things may work, I will not judge them until I experience them myself. A priori judgements only reflect prejudice and preconceived notions.
Those of you who are closed to the idea, have experienced the resonators?
Yes. At an audio show.

Besides, having a completely uncritical mind makes you a customer for buy the Brooklyn Bridge. Not all ideas deserve equal respect.

Has anybody measured the output of a whole system with and without these things and reported the difference? It seems if its audible it should be measurable.
I know absolutely nothing about them, but is a show environment the best place to critically evaluate anything?
And no, I don't want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge, too old fashioned looking for me. I like retro but not that retro plus I dont have the space for it right now.