I see your point.
However correct pitch and timnimg will always have a possitiv influence on how the playback is.
I have not heaard of a recording where the producer would intensionaly distord the timing and pitch in the music .
Or the musicians playing out of tune.
Playing music live is about getting this as correct as possible.
Its actually very hard to get every pitch and timing in the perfect order.
The best source at least the digital ones are the ones that are most precise in this matter.
The nova physics memory player is on of them , the linn sondek cd 12 is also a great excemple.
Regarding speaker corssovers the sonus faber cremona uses a 1 order design , of the simpelst layout.
The moddify the drivers to sound have the want the too so the can design the corssover this way.
Its the most musical speaker i have heard yet right or wrong.
However correct pitch and timnimg will always have a possitiv influence on how the playback is.
I have not heaard of a recording where the producer would intensionaly distord the timing and pitch in the music .
Or the musicians playing out of tune.
Playing music live is about getting this as correct as possible.
Its actually very hard to get every pitch and timing in the perfect order.
The best source at least the digital ones are the ones that are most precise in this matter.
The nova physics memory player is on of them , the linn sondek cd 12 is also a great excemple.
Regarding speaker corssovers the sonus faber cremona uses a 1 order design , of the simpelst layout.
The moddify the drivers to sound have the want the too so the can design the corssover this way.
Its the most musical speaker i have heard yet right or wrong.