Dedicated Lines & Power Conditioners

I currently have a Running Springs power conditioner in which all of my gear is plugged into. The RS is plugged into one of my two dedicated lines. Is this overkill? Could I get away with a less expensive PC? Does one really need high end power condtioning when using dedicated lines?
I agree with Tvad and Shadorne, and will add: ALWAYS start with dedicated circuits and good outlets (like PorterPorts or Jena Labs) and listen WITHOUT additional power conditioning for a while. If you're still hearing some problem, or you just want to experiment, only then add your choice of power conditioning. After several days of listening with the power conditioner, once again remove the power conditioner and listen for several days. As Tvad says, your ears will tell you what is best for your system.
This question still drives me crazy (and not because I don't like to see it posted either) as grounds and neutrals are all the same at the service entrance. I mean, in theory I understand why one would want a dedicated circuit and I actually have one for my gear only because nothing else is running on that particular circuit - just three wall outlets only used by my gear (technically I run digital and analog all on the same circuit). But still, as with mostly any residential wiring, the grounds and neutrals are all connected anyway. So what good does the dedicated circuit do besides giving your gear full service on the circuit without perhaps feeling the effect of a large central a/c unit kicking in and out, or the refrigeration compressors doing the same? Don't mean to sidetrack this post but I'll be anxious to read anyones thoughts here.

The above posts are right though, take it (the PC) out of the equation for awhile then see if you can really 'hear' a difference. If you can, leave well enough alone (assuming its a positive difference - not just 'different'). If you can't, maybe a lower cost unit would make sense if you could use the savings elsewhere.

I keep a low cost PC in my system more for the variety of outlets and trigger options then anything else. It sounds the same with or without. If my system actually needs something better, I've no clue. I'd rather just enjoy listening then worrying.
Sailfishben, just another data point: when the dedicated circuit is installed as a home run line from a single outlet to the circuit panel (as I believe many of us have done), an additional benefit gained is not having any connections or splices in the line. Every time there is a connection (whether through a junction box or an intermediate outlet on the line, even if unused), there is the opportunity for micro arcing at that connection. This introduces distortion spikes on the line and these spikes can have an impact. So, when we talk about running dedicated lines, we should additionally make clear that these ideally should be dedicated home run lines to each outlet.
"micro arcing at that connection. This introduces distortion spikes on the line and these spikes can have an impact".

Micro arcing??? How do you guys come up with this stuff?