does anyone sharpie thier CD's???

its amazing. take a wedge sharpie, and color in the outermost edge of the CD.. then color in the center flat area, and the innermost edge... when you hold the CD up to light, you should not see any coming through..... so actually before you do this, pick a track, turn it up and listen,,,,, then color in the disc, without adjuting the volume, listen again..... i get more volume, calrity and depth...... check this out!!
Kidding about what?? I want to know if there is science or any known science in the cleaver little clock.

I was also curious, that if there is no known science, then does a product not work and its placebo cause of no science?

They seem like reasonable questions. There just seems to be many on here that say if there is no science in a product it's your imagination or placebo effect.
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That's my favorite post from you Elizabeth. I actually had visions of those tiny Angels and Devils dancing on either side of a pin head.

Wonder if they ever party around the cantilever of a moving coil cartridge?

If yes, I hope I don't choose a song that both Angels and Devils can dance to.
In the old days "the devil to pay" meant to hang off the edge of a ship at sea in order to caulk the longest seam on a ship (where deck meets hull) it means to sharpie the edges of your entire CD collection.....*sigh*