How many hours weekly do you listen to your system

It seemed that back in the 60's and 70's more time was spent listening to music.Today with video games, cable TV ,computers and forums like this one less time is set aside for listening.
Our equipment costs much more then it did back then and hopefully it sounds better.Why then dont we listen more.
I listen a lot! Probably 30 hours a week or more, about half of it is critical listening. I'm listening right now as a matter of fact. But my work allows me to stay home a lot.

I agree TVs have stolen lots of thunder from audio these days. Humans tend to favor sight over other senses. I happen to favor sound, but whatever.

I think the real problem is that quality of life at home has collapsed in recent years. One-upmanship in the workplace has people working a lot more hours than they used to. Home life isn't respected as much as it used to be. Now people seem to spend all their lives in the hamster cage, er, I mean cubicle, and can't have a big 2-channel rig stuffed in there. Oh well, such is modern life I guess! I hesitate to call it "progress" however...

I listen on average about 1 hour a week. But I enjoy that 1 hour a lot. However if I could I would listen about 4 hours a week. That would be enough for me. Work is a big reason for the lack of time the other is a motorcycle hobby. I am almost 53 years old. In about 2 years I hope to have more time and in about 5 years hope to be retired and have plenty of time to get 4 hours of listening in.
10-15 hours a week. That number will hopefully go up when I get my own dedicated listening room, which hopefully isn't too far off.......
We don't own a TV, so some sort of audio is going on in our house pretty much 100% of the time we're home. The big rig is on every evening and all day most weekends, table radio in the kitchen for morning and afternoon news, bedroom system all night, as we both prefer music to go to sleep. My wife does a lot of work at home so she often has the main rig going weekdays also.

I've been an audio primary guy since the age of 8 when my parents gave me an Arvin table radio for my bedroom. I've had some kind of system ever since, and gave up TV altogether 15 years ago.
