Schumann Resonance and it's effect on music

There is a new product out by Acoustic Revive that puts out the Earth's natural resonating frequency of 7.83Hz and claims to greatly enhance the musical experience.

Here are a few excerpts:

"The Acoustic Revive RR-77 is getting a great deal of accolades from even the most skeptical of tweakers. This device generates a signal at the approximate Schumann Resonance frequency of 7.83 Hz. The bottom line is- it works."

Effects of the Acoustic Revive RR-77

Audio equipment
"By generating the Schumann Resonance, there is an effect that it neutralizes electromagnetic waves generated from an audio equipment and external harmful radio waves. So interference of electromagnetic waves and radio waves that exist among equipments is disappeared, it becomes possible to reproduce the music clearer, the S/N ratio is improved higher and the distortion is reduced."

Listening room
"Also, by generating the Schumann Resonance, there is an effect that it neutralizes harmful standing waves. And it has the feature of improving the viscosity of the air in the listening room. Therefore, you can reproduce the excellent music, the sound is improved clearly audible, and the depth of the sound image is increased dramatically."

"It is established medically that generating the Schumann resonance activates the cellular immunity. And it is said that the Schumann resonance produces the good relaxation effects, and the attentiveness is raised greatly. So you can hear the details of the sounds that could not be heard before."

How to use

"The Acoustic Revive RR-77 never makes physical contact with your audio devices. When you connect the RR-77 to the wall receptacle with the provided AC adapter, you simply set the RR-77 at a height of at least 1m-50cm in your room. If the height of the RR-77 is less than 1m50cm, effects become muted."

Can anyone shed some light on this? The Earth's electromagnetic field is certainly being affected by human technology and in all probability is having enormous effects on our health and climate.

Any opinions?

I am waiting for an equipment rack that rotates precisely 180 degrees out of phase with the earth's rotation.
"Also, by generating the Schumann Resonance, there is an effect that it neutralizes harmful standing waves."

This part of the explanation, I might add in fairness, might have a small grain of substance to it, though not much and actually the device could be making the standing wave problem worse. I recall a device called the Phantom Acoustics Shadow, which was an active device almost like a cylindrical subwoofer which was put into the corners of rooms to cancel (at least partially) standing waves. It used a pair of microphones that converted sound waves to electrical energy, phase inverted it, amplified the signal and sent it to transducers in the Shadow, which then produced an out-of-phase output at the excessive bass frequencies that cancelled or reduced the excess bass energy. That device, which according to Bob Harley's review was developed by Nelson Pass, had some science behind it, at least. If you're interested in it, see This Acoustic Revive device does not state whether the signal it sends out is phase inverted, nor does it seem to address any frequencies other than the one mentioned (or, if you follow up with the Wickopedia article, certain others, but none of which may match the room's standing wave frequencies).
You can probably just get one and demo it for yourself as opposed to speculation. I know "tweek geek" will probably let you do this.

Let us know what your impressions are. Could turn out to be the newest "hot" thing, after microwaves of course.
VH Audio carries the Acoustic Revive RR-77. All of the cables I've purchased from Chris have been outstanding. I'd be surprised to find that he's selling a product targeted at the snake oil crowd. The link from his website that further explains Schumann Resonance is fascinating and apparently widely accepted and proven through scientific research, which by no means is proof of the product's effectiveness.
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