Silliest audiophile equipment of all time?

Hey guys,

I'm looking for the most ridiculous audiophile products with the most outrageous claims. Not necessarily the most expensive, I'm interested in the most superfluous audiophile accessories you can think of.

Think Brilliant Pebbles and Cable Elevators:

I'm also interested in in hearing about basic stereo equipment such as stereo cables and amplifiers that are grossly overpriced or make insane claims with questionable science.

Is this for your amusement or is there a purpose you are looking for the info? Just curious.
How did you miss the Teleportation tweak at the Machinadynamica site?
I have to agree with Timrhu, the teleportation tweak is just so flippin' silly I can't imagine anyone has actually paid for it!

Most of the gear Machina Dynamics makes seems silly to me, but I see their stuff in place from time to time, so someone is buying it! I also like their clever little clock that supposedly adds dynamics and improves clarity, they even claim the effects are additive so you can buy hundreds of them for your room and further improve sound!

I guess PT Barnum was right, there IS a sucker born every minute!

On the flip side, I can see the concept of elevating cables, especially off carpet, but I must admit I have never played with them. FWIW at the least really good cables look super cool suspended in mid air by these little porcelain devices and aesthetically I like them, from an electronic sense, maybe I can see an argument for an improvement.... One day I'm sure I'll try them for myself, I just haven't gotten everything else absolutely perfect and I'd almost need to be trying to buy something to go this route, that and I have tiled floors so it should make far less difference to me!
He's probably new to Audiogon, these forums, or just trolling.

Jonny, use the "search archives" for rooting up endless crontroversial threads along this nature.
How about setting some ground rules before this thread goes nuts:

1. No rebuttals allowed
2. No rebuttals allowed
3. No rebuttals allowed

That should do it....

Oh, as far as my selection:

EVERYTHING by MachinaDynamica