Silliest audiophile equipment of all time?

Hey guys,

I'm looking for the most ridiculous audiophile products with the most outrageous claims. Not necessarily the most expensive, I'm interested in the most superfluous audiophile accessories you can think of.

Think Brilliant Pebbles and Cable Elevators:

I'm also interested in in hearing about basic stereo equipment such as stereo cables and amplifiers that are grossly overpriced or make insane claims with questionable science.

Mpingo Discs, Brilliant Pebbles, all Peter Belt products and on and on ..... As long as their are gullible audiophiles, who don't demand proof of a tweak's effectiveness and why it works, there will always be a market for the next one.
Plasmatronics plasma speakers,motorised belt driven subwoofer (I forgot the name),ion tweeters,helium filled speakers,any speaker cable over $20. a foot, any turntable over $10K,overpriced wooden blocks,etc.
The Gingko isolation device makes a great item, can hardly see how that is silly. (Although it does "look" sllly when you open the top, but I love mine.
A product that should be labeled "Recommended to audiophiles with brain damage", the "honor" goes to the "intelligent (?!) chip" by eh... Cerebrum Moribundus?!
The cable elevators might actually do some good, the pebbles have a (very!!!) loose explanation about vibrations but the chip is a plain insult to the whole industry.
Is Peter Belt the guy who sold a little piece of aluminum foil that supposed had "magic" properties? I think you were supposed to put it on top of your CDP, TT, CDs themselves and anything else that crossed your mind. But at least you got an actual object for your $. The teleportation tweak is absolutely the best.