Silliest audiophile equipment of all time?

Hey guys,

I'm looking for the most ridiculous audiophile products with the most outrageous claims. Not necessarily the most expensive, I'm interested in the most superfluous audiophile accessories you can think of.

Think Brilliant Pebbles and Cable Elevators:

I'm also interested in in hearing about basic stereo equipment such as stereo cables and amplifiers that are grossly overpriced or make insane claims with questionable science.

Is Peter Belt the guy who sold a little piece of aluminum foil that supposed had "magic" properties? I think you were supposed to put it on top of your CDP, TT, CDs themselves and anything else that crossed your mind. But at least you got an actual object for your $. The teleportation tweak is absolutely the best.
I just ordered the "Machina dynamica Brilliant Pebbles large size" (one only) and i would like some suggestions on what speakers I should get in order to best hear the pebble. Budget is about 10K. Any help from those who have heard the pebble? Thanks.
Preamplifiers that deal with design flaws through the use of "doppler control" to manipulate the audio signal.

The obvious answer to this question has been given by a multitude of people.

However, what I would like to know is what Geoff Kait's idea of the silliest tweak would be.

That would be illuminating!

Well Geoff?
I just ordered the "Machina dynamica Brilliant Pebbles large size" (one only) and i would like some suggestions on what speakers I should get in order to best hear the pebble. Budget is about 10K. Any help from those who have heard the pebble? Thanks.

It depends which color you ordered.