Silliest audiophile equipment of all time?

Hey guys,

I'm looking for the most ridiculous audiophile products with the most outrageous claims. Not necessarily the most expensive, I'm interested in the most superfluous audiophile accessories you can think of.

Think Brilliant Pebbles and Cable Elevators:

I'm also interested in in hearing about basic stereo equipment such as stereo cables and amplifiers that are grossly overpriced or make insane claims with questionable science.

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Jax2, You may be referring to Audio Consulting, whose Silver Rock transformers make an extraordinarily good, if expensive, TVC or modded CDP analog stage. RAM & Audio Consulting are nature boys insofar as they embrace wood chassis, exotic lacquers, and wiring insulated in natural fibers. The wood knobs seem excessive, but who knows for sure as I have found that much of what Kyle & Serge offer is effective.
Dgarretson- Actually Marco is referring to an actual product that was for sale at about $500 each at one time. Exotic wood knobs for the rotary controls on your pre-amp!! IMO, these have to rank up there with the rocks, the phone call, and the alum foil.
@Timrhu, this is actually for an article I'm working on. I'm currently pitching the idea to a few mags.

Actually I've lurked this forum for years now, just haven't posted. I was joking around with a buddy of mind about some of the more ridiculous audiophile components and he suggested that I try to spin it into a fun feature article.

I do not work for any of these companies, this is not guerilla marketing. I am also interested in more traditional components than tweaks. I'd rather shed some light on dubious claims than just pure snake oil which is obviously absurd (brilliant pebbles).

Thanks guys. (Also, thanks for helping me pick out my Sennheiser 600s and Rega Amp a few years back!)