Has anyone used "Quiet Rock" sheet rock in room?

Has anyone used "Quiet Rock" sheet rock on the walls and/or ceiling in their listening room? I am building a new dedicated sound room and I am trying to do all the "small stuff" (i.e. clean power and a well built/designed/acoustically treated room). All input would be appreciated.
That stuff was way to expensive when I looked at it.I think you could double up on the sheet rock for less.And put a sound barrier in between If you wanted to.Also take a look around this website "super soundproofing.All kinds of stuff.They also sell the little 3 layer pads for $1.25 or $1.50 that Mapleshade sells for 20 some dollars.A bargin.Good luck,KP
If you end up dbl-ing up on the drywall make sure you buy the extra deep receptacle boxes with the nails set in the right place. If you don't and you start to cover up the walls you will have a giant headache. Standard depth boxes will be too far back in the wallboard and not pass code, let alone causing a ton of grief with covers & such. Speaking from experience of course doohhhh!
And if you have the money & motivation run some extra boxes with 1" flex tied to each one. That way you can pull cables and anything else through for a really clean look and convenience.
Good luck, John
It is expensive, but does work. However, you should consider what your goals are. Is it to isolate the room? There are less expensive ways to do this reasonably well and you will likely have other sound leaks--so don't break the bank on one aspect of sound isolation and forget another.

Second aspect, if you build a really rigid wall it will increase your peaks for modal response. Thus by isolating room in one particular method (stiff walls), will actual reduce the performance of the in room frequency response.

Check out our resources. You will find an article on sound isolation (right column) that may be of help to you.