system for a 12 year old

I'm going to assemble my 12 year old son's first system.

OK, so he doesn't know the difference between a woofer and a tweeter. Still, there are decisions to be I request your comments and observations.

I bought a vintage yamaha CR-420 receiver for a pittance on ebay and plan to build from there. I have not received the Yamaha yet, but when I do I will either assign it direct to my son's new system or replace my vintage NAD 7020 receiver in my 2 channel a/v system and donate the NAD to my son instead.

Next, my plan is to add a pair of Klipsch RB-51 monitor series bookshelf speakers, which I've heard at BEst Buy and was very impressed with for the price. This will settle my yearning to gain exposure to a pair of horn based speakers at low cost and risk initially. I can then either dedicate the Klipsch's to my son's system with the Yamaha or NAD or replace my Triangle Titus's or Ohm L's and moved one of these to my son's system which will go in his modest sized bedroom.

Not sure which way this will pan out yet at this point, but I welcome any comments or observations.

As a sidenote, in putting this system together, it works out nice for me as a way to scratch the itch I've had (see related thread) for sampling the horn loaded speaker experience. In researching, I've heard some enticing things about Klipsch Fortes, but these would be way overkill for this experiment, so I've decided to pass on larger horns for now in favor of the smaller and newer Klipsch bookshelf designs that I am able to listen to in advance at the local Best Buy. If I end up liking living with these, using my son as the lucky guinea pig,I'll go on from there at some later date.
Setting up the system for your Son, eh?
I bet you buy your wife power tools for xmass.....
Playstation for a source? Get him headphones too. Otherwise you will be sorry you bought him klipsch. I know where you can get Sennheisers really cheap.
Yes, he is into music and asked for a stereo.

But of course I did not require much convincing to volunteer put something together...
I did a system for my son when he was about that age and it never got used...he listens strictly through the computer....then I bought a receiver that interfaced with the computer and then he started listening....the cd player and amp when into a box...times have changed.