helmholtz resonators

Has anyone out there used the resonator. I am wanting to build one and was wanting to know whether one built for 35hz will also be good for the multiples of this frequency, or do I need to build one for each multiple of that frequency. Any info is appreciated
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Are they good for small rooms(16x11x10)? I'm thinking about using RPG type diffuser's front/rear and my ASC Shadowcaster's for first reflection duties. The SC's have five adjustable tubes each on top that are reflective on one side and absortive on the other and can be mixed-n-mated to suit.
I have done some reading about them but some info is missing, so I decided to start this post . I have read from articles on other sites that they do work and very well, but they are good for a very narrow application when dealing with freq that are treated. Adding absorbant material to a Holmoltz resonator will winden the band it treat but it looses some of it's effectiveness in the it originally treated, which may or may not be wanted. I've read that adjustable ones can be made, which I view suspiciously. I will try to make one myself just to see if it is posible.The technology is ancient but effective. This is why I chose to look at going this route. What am trying to deal with is the modes in the room. Then go back and deal with the remainder if problems using general treatment. This I hope will help the room even more than than a general treatment of the room.