Reb 1208, wow, I don't hear those failings. Still, until I do a direct comparison (swap out) I won't really know. I'm considering the RTX as a replacement for the PPFMX currently in my Joule pre.
Vett93, the caps have over 100 hours on them in the Cayin. If these caps are horrible now, I guess I have a lot to look forward to! I would say there is a certain lack of refinement, that may be due to the Dynavector 20xl (will be moving up to Dynavector XX-2) or cartridge alignment (soon to be recified by MintLP tractor). It could also be the caps need further break in. I also have to replace the 4 .1uf coupling caps, so it could be the remaining stock caps. Lots of suspects here.
Vett93, the caps have over 100 hours on them in the Cayin. If these caps are horrible now, I guess I have a lot to look forward to! I would say there is a certain lack of refinement, that may be due to the Dynavector 20xl (will be moving up to Dynavector XX-2) or cartridge alignment (soon to be recified by MintLP tractor). It could also be the caps need further break in. I also have to replace the 4 .1uf coupling caps, so it could be the remaining stock caps. Lots of suspects here.