VH Audio Vcaps

First listening session with Vcaps in Cayin phono stage tonight. Within 15 minutes listening to music rather than analyzing sound.

Its not often I'm blown away by equipment and/or mods, this is an exception! I won't even go into detail on improvements in this post, suffice to say these caps are damn good! And I've heard a lot of caps. For all the modders out there, you've got to try these caps, they have a deservedly high reputation.
I told Chris at VH Audio that the V in Vcaps stands for reVealing. It reveals any issue your system has.

They are amazing caps. I put them on my Counterpoint NP100 Platinum too.
Sns, I am just curious. If you have the following suspect issues:: 1. Cart alignment / 2. inadequate Cart / 3. Remaining stock caps / 4. lack of break in of new caps..
How could you ascribe anything to a particular alteration?
IMO, you need to come up with a systemic approach. I don't change but one thing at a time and than wait. The shotgun approach is very confusing.
Magfan, I'm not using a shotgun approach, I am only changing one thing at a time. This is the very reason I still have the remaining stock caps, original cartridge, cartridge alignment. I started with what I thought the weakest link, the .47uf coupling caps, the next move will be cartridge alignment, then .1uf coupling caps.

Thus far, I would say my original suspicions are absolutely correct, the .47 caps improved things immensely. Having gained so much here, my next primary suspect becomes the .1 caps. Cartridge alignment is next simply because the MintLP tractor is arriving in the next few days. I already have a handle on the sound of the vcaps in this location, further listening sessions will illuminate the attributes of proper cartridge alignment. Once I get a handle on these two things, the .1 caps will go in.

While it would be nice to have only one issue at any one time, sometimes multiple issues raise their heads. Having recently added the analog setup to my system has created multiple issues. I expect much better than I'm getting, I know I have much work ahead of me in order to get there.

I also need to make clear I've been doing mods and tweaks since I can't remember. Perhaps I'm not making myself clear, there is a plan. If you look at my virtual system, that plan may become more clear.

The digital upgrades I'm concurently undertaking are quite seperate from the analog side of things. Speaking of such, the Mundorf Silver/Oils are going to take much more breaking in. 6 hours in and things are not so good. Lack of harmonic development, forward sound, overly warm bass are the downers. Nicely improved dynamics are the upside. I am concerned about the overly warm bass, hoping break in will help in articulation. Really much too soon to say anything definitive.
For those curious about sonic merits of various caps there is a very informative discussion at [url]http://www.audiocircle.com/circles/index.php?topic=54218.0[/url]
Well,after a long wait due to equip/mfgr reliability(and support)issues,I am finally going to have a system once again,this coming weekend!
One thing I did,to make something good from an "amazingly annoying" situation was to upgrade my pre/phonostage to V-Teflon caps.This upgraded unit will arrive this week,and "hopefully" I can enjoy the hobby again!....I DID read as much info on the cap surveys as possible,and decided that after all the aggravation I'd had,why not make something good of it.Hope this is the case....excellent info from you guys.