VH Audio Vcaps

First listening session with Vcaps in Cayin phono stage tonight. Within 15 minutes listening to music rather than analyzing sound.

Its not often I'm blown away by equipment and/or mods, this is an exception! I won't even go into detail on improvements in this post, suffice to say these caps are damn good! And I've heard a lot of caps. For all the modders out there, you've got to try these caps, they have a deservedly high reputation.
Well,after a long wait due to equip/mfgr reliability(and support)issues,I am finally going to have a system once again,this coming weekend!
One thing I did,to make something good from an "amazingly annoying" situation was to upgrade my pre/phonostage to V-Teflon caps.This upgraded unit will arrive this week,and "hopefully" I can enjoy the hobby again!....I DID read as much info on the cap surveys as possible,and decided that after all the aggravation I'd had,why not make something good of it.Hope this is the case....excellent info from you guys.
I've been reading Jon L's cap comparisons at Audio Circle. It's an incredible wealth of information with many caps mentioned in detail.
Yes, the Audio Circle thread touches almost everything, including sometimes overlooked Russian teflon/PIO/silver mica, Aura, Penta Labs, a close comparison between Mundorf SIO & Silver/Gold, and interesting experiments with bypass caps. The only caveat is that Jon L seems never to have met a cap he didn't like. But I like his analogy comparing coupling caps to speakers. He seems to prefer the clarity & control of stats over the warmth of cones, and by this measure teflon caps are generally the winners.


Perhaps somebody will lend him Claritycap MR or Duelund to evaluate. As the above video explains, the marketing buzz with these new caps is special construction to minimize internal resonance.
I agree. All in all, it's the best overview I've read. It was nice he included lesser known caps like FT-3, KY40 and Penta Labs. It would be great to see some info on Claritycap and Duelund. If you search the web, you'll find very little info about them. I haven't heard most of the caps he reviewed, but IMO, Dynamicaps are an excellent bang for the buck.