Is it ok for tube amp directly to the outlet?


Do you think it's better to plug my tube amp directly to outlets rather than going through power conditioner? Can a power surge damage my tubes or amps?

I plug my Cary 805AE in the power conditioner now, but I want to try them without power conditioner to see if I can get better sound in term of dynamic. Do most of you using power conditioner for your tube amps?

if you plug direct into wall I'd make sure you have a dedicated 20 amp line and I'd routinely only plug the amp in when using it.
Most conditioners limit current, therefore you are better off going straight into the wall. Cheers,
Another recommendation here to go straight into the wall. If you don't already have a dedicated electrical line coming to the outlet, do that before reverting back to a power conditioner.
Directly to the wall should be the unanimous choice.
You already know the sound using your line conditioner.
Try the amps directly to the wall.You will be surprised.