To use a line conditioner/surge protector or not??

Hi. I recently added a Panamax 1000 surge protector/line conditioner to my audio room. My system includes a Threshold Forte Model 3 SS amp, a Parasound P/LD preamp, Arcam and Cambridge Audio CD players, and Meadowlark Shearwater "Hot Rod" loudspeakers. I also sometimes run an RBH passive sub. I was receiving some low level radio signal through the wall socket (I don't have a tuner!!!), which was audible even when source material was playing. This problem was more noticeable when I used an AudioControl graphic equalizer in-line (I have since taken it out of the system). After running all my gear through the Panamax, the extraneous "reception" is now gone, but I seem to discern an audible drop in my upper-frequency response. I read one thread on another site that suggested one should not use line conditioners and surge protectors in high-end units. Any advice on the subject? Thanks.
I would love some expanding on this subject.

1. Does having a separate ground reduce or eliminate the possibility of damage from surges or a lightining strike? My instincts tell me no.

I ran a separate line using Virtual Dynamic's custom BC cable. Two twenty amp circuits with all new outlets and a separate 3/4" ground rod with number 4 ground wire. I had purchased Furman's top power conditioner, IT Reference 20 two years before. It saved my gear many times during the lightning storms in the mountains of Arizona.

I have all of my expensive analog gear running to the new circuit and outlets, not through the Furman.

I have lingering worry about a power surge or something stronger taking out my gear.

Many audiophiles suggest not using a power conditioner, but it sure provides some degree of safety. I'm still undecided as to whether I will use it or not.
I have found and I'm sure alot of people here found,
that alot of conditioners limit power to the amps when the they need it.Some are limited to what the wall can give out.
A 15a circuit,20a ect.Music peaks seem to demand way more than 15a.I have been thru a couple of what I thought were as good as I could get.Then I was introduced to a Torus.
These are a Major upgrade give you way more amperage than the wall can give,total isolation,they cost,I believe if you want to
get all that you can from your gear and MUSIC,then you owe it to yourself and the music to check them out.My search and spending for conditioners is over,hmm now what do I want to upgrade.I guess It really depends on how far you
want to take it.The road definately goes on forever.
Strictly as a surge protector I'm using 2 Brickwalls that run to separate dedicated lines. I can't tell any difference between before/after & neither can a few friends of mine who use them in their system.

There are more brands available & you can search surge protectors for further reading.
I use a Furman IT15 and it has saved my gear also. I don't find that it colors the sound of any of my electronics either. It sounds to me that your equipment is vulnerable with your current setup. I would consider using the IT Ref 20 again or unplugging your gear when your not home. Better yet, consult your local electrician!