Who sells lead shot pellets to fill an equip.stand

I am looking for something like a lead shot to fill an equipment stand.Audio Advisor does not carry it anymore and idon't know where else to look.Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks a lot and have a Happy new Year!
If you were here I would give you about 60 lb. I just took out of my stands. I have routinely added it for years; I recently heard that it degrades the sound and I did some tests, it does. Steel stands filled with lead add midrange energy that shouldn't be there. Sound is much brighter. I first put my Spendor S100s on the Sound Anchor stands made for them and filled with shot. Effect as I described. Put them on a Mapleshade Quadrapier[discontinued conventional stand made of maple] stand with cones pointed upward and the effect disappeared. I have just resumed being a VPI dealer and ordered a TNT stand. When it got here I put 40 to 50 lb. of shot in it as they instructed. Had trouble with Scoutmaster being too bright even though it was on a 24x18x3 maple block resting on cones on top of the stand. Ordered a Star Sound turntable shelf for their rack I already had and moved the table and block to it and the sound relaxed and sounded more like music. I invite others to try similar tests and see what they think, but for me, no more lead. the VPI rings when you tap it so I am going to try something else Star makes, very small STEEL bearings. When I became a dealer for them they told me to try it but it is fairly expensive and I had always used lead and VPI recommended lead so I didn't. If the Star stuff works I'll send Harry some and see what he thinks. Meanwhile, get the lead out and see what you think.
Overhang, There simply is no substitute for lead. Learn how to use it, store it, dispose of it. Simple. It is about two bucks a pound at any gun shop that sells reloading equip.
This is not going to be real helpful, but I recall someone sells a product specifically to fill stands. Unfortunately I can't remember who it is or what it was. Big help, huh?
Sorry . . . if I come up with it, I'll post. Maybe you could check forums here or other places.
I don't know if this is the one I was thinking about, but it is an example:

When I built my horn cabinets I used playground sand from Home Depot because it is a lot cheaper and readily available. 250 lbs in each cabinet. Figure up what that would cost using lead.

I would suspect the more logical and less emotional reason AA stopped carrying lead shot is because the shipping, especially just a few months ago, was outrageous. I doubt they sold enough to justify keeping the inventory. Personally, I'd be more worried about those mercury vapor light bulbs folks are putting in their homes. Breaking one of those creates a toxic hazard cleanup. You can't even through them away, well not legally anyway.