black touchup paint?

Isn't the black finish on most black audio equipment anodized, thus hard to match with paint? The shade varies by manufacturer, no doubt. Experimenting, I tried a Marks-a-Lot, too shiny (and tending toward purple, really). Wouldn't mind trying a spray, but small touch-ups are really the thrust of this question. Has anyone found a good solution? A dedicated "touch up marker" for audio gear would be mighty nice, if it were possible. Nothing would look exactly like new, but an improvement over a glaring scratch on the handle of my amp would be welcome.
Check your automotive supplier. The best one I found I think is called "No-Mar" or something like that. It seams to match well with most semi-gloss to flat black finishes. It comes in a spray can however so I don't know how handy this will be.
Go to your local hobby shop, and pick up some Testors Flat Black enamel in the small bottle(#1149). Apply sparingly, with the tip of a toothpick. That should provide you with a lifetime of touch-ups. Totally non-resonant in the audio bandpass. =8^)
I think I got a good product suggestion for your question.
Check for their Aluminum black metal finish # 15132 PAB-QT or their Super black touch-ups pens
#15101 BPP(Gloss) or #15102 BPPF(Flat).I got some scratches on some gear I bought used.