Hum From Speaker

1. I hear a low Hum from my speakers.
2. When I increased the volume the Hum does not increase.
3. I disconnected everything from Amp except the speakers and I still hear the Hum. Not even the interconnects were connected to the Amp. Just the Amp plugged into the wall with a cheater plug as a test.
4. All other components were disconnected from the wall.
5. I can't hear any Hum from the Amp unless I put ear right on the Amp.
6. My Amp is a Sunfire 5x200

Does not seem to be ground loop.

Any Ideas? Any Solutions?

Thanks ahead of time.
Before you waste hours and assuming you can lift that beast....take it to a friends house and see if it hums there. You either have a ground loop, something causing noise on the line, some transformer still plugged in near your amp causing interference...or you have an internal amp problem.

You've already eliminated the real easy things. Finding ground loops and noise sources can be very first find out if your amp is OK.

Thanks for your reply.

Do not have a friend's house that I can test my amp, but the ebay person I brought the amp from said it was dead quite at his house.

If only the amp is plugged into the wall, how could it be a ground loop ground?

Also wouldn't using a cheater plug as a test rule out ground loops?

When I think about it; I have three refrigerators in my house, maybe they are causing main line pollution?

I just ordered the Powervar ABC-1200-11 and I hope it will help. If that doesn't work I may take the amp to a repair shop to be tested.

My Denon 1906 Receiver was dead quiet in the same location, does that mean anything or is the technology completely different for those products?
make sure you do all your testing within 60 days so you can file a claim against the seller if you find that what he claimed isn't true. Some EBAY sellers are known to stretch the truth or claim dumbness....although most are very honest.

If your denon was dead quiet, then the amp you bought is suspect. However, disconnect everything you can in your house or turn them off and see if any of it makes a difference.
I would try moving your equipment to a different power outlet and see if you still hear the hum
Some possible causes people forget about include light dimmers (especially halogen), lamps that you turn on by just touching them, lights that turn on automatically at dusk, small transformers plugged into the wall, florescent light fixtures or even "energy saver" light bulbs, pool pump, water heater.

Turn off every circuit breaker in your home except for the one that you have the amp plugged into...then make sure there is nothing plugged into any other outlet on that circuit...nothing.