Can I hook up sub directly to amp?

I am ready to buy a cd player that I can run directly to my amp and then sell my preamp. Only problem is the cd player has no inputs so I cannot connect my sub.
My question is can I connect the sub from it's speaker terminal outputs directly to my amps output terminals along with my regular speaker cables coming from my speakers.
My sub is an ERA sub10. Has inputs and output speaker binding posts as well as rca which I am using now which I will not be able to use if I buy the Bel Canto cd2.
Thanks for your help. I believe this to be a simple solution if you know what to do but I have received a myriad of answers, all different.
In most cases, you can hook up from the speaker binding posts of your power amp to the speaker inputs of the subwoofer. Then, your speakers would be connected to the speaker outputs on your subwoofer.
C'mon. The Sub10 has RCA inputs and RCA outputs. Why bother with the speaker cables?
