Copper Sleeve over IEC

There has been several threads on AA about putting a 1 1/2" copper union (coupler) over the IEC on the CD Player, Preamp, Amp.

Well I tried it...

Anyone else give it a try?

I bought 2 and have had them by themselves or as a pair on every IEC plug. In my system it puts the treble over the top. Even just on the CDP which is where I started. FWIW I also tried heavy duty aluminium foil and it did the same thing. A change but not an improvement in my system.
I put a 1" copper tube on the IEC of my ARC CD3MKII. I got it at Lowes for $1.88. I didn't hear any difference. I suppose I could get my money back. I won't tell them what I used it for.

When I was a kid, people would put tin foil on their rabbit ears (TV antenna) for better reception. That didn't seem to help much either.
Tonywinsc, Its hard to believe that a 1 " coupler fit over your power cord. You must be using an el cheapo cord.
So, you are out $1.88 for trying,,,
Better to put your money into a quality power cord.
Jim Smith pointed me in the direction of this posting and AA. I picked up a couple of copper couplings at the local hardware store this weekend. I can honestly say this is the cheapest tweak (about $5.00 each) I've ever made to a system that made such an audible difference. I figured, what the heck. $5.00 isn't like dropping another couple or three hundred on interconnects or a grand on speaker wires. The increased bass and level of detail was astonishing. The really great thing is that this isn't some voodoo solution being sold by an audio company. It's something anyone can do at little to no expensed.