The ground loop concern you are referring to, to the extent that it is a concern, is only applicable where the components that are on different dedicated ac lines have single-ended interconnects between them. It is no concern at all with the balanced runs you'll be using.
The reason for that is that the shields of single-ended rca interconnects, which serve as the return path for signal currents, also connect the two chassis together, which are in turn connected to ac safety ground. So any voltage differential between the ac safety grounds of the two sets of outlets will cause an extraneous current to flow in the interconnect shields, in common with the signal current.
If any of the other components you will be connecting to separate dedicated ac runs will be interconnected single-ended, such as if you have digital sources and your preamp on separate dedicated ac runs, you can do two things to minimize the likelihood of ground loop problems. Keep the interconnect length as short as possible, and use a quality cable that presumably has low shield resistance.
Best of luck with the new house.
-- Al