HiFi tuning fuses, some benefits help

OK I admit that I'm not sure of the technical benefits of HIFi tuning fuses but... some extra help would be great to help me understand. First off how does it change the before and after sound of the peice you use it in? Like does it make it warmer, cooler, more nuteral? If "gon members can help to distill this for me it would be a help. Thanks in advance.
Compared to the cost of so many other "audiophile" tweaks, $30 is pretty inexpensive and worth an experiment if nothing more. I tried the HiFi Tuning Fuse in my relatively low cost/entry level system. It made a difference in the JoLida 502B I was running. When, at some point, a tube went and took the HiFi Fuse, I didn't have a spare so had to replace it with an inexpensive RadioShack fuse until the new HiFi fuse arrived. For me the proof of what the HiFi fuse did was in the loss I heard when it was gone. Something was definitely missing. Presence? Liveliness? I have a hard time articulating the differences in sound quality but to me Rodman's description fills the bill. For the skeptics, I'm not at all concerned about convincing you - believe what you will. In turn, spare me your sarcasm (especially if you haven't tried one of these). I heard a benefit well worth $30. That's all that matters.
I have a pair in my system. I can't tell you specifically how my sound was that much more different for having them in place. Excuse my attempt at "irony" in my last post. It really was a "whim" purchase with no great expectation. I'm glad the fuses sounded good in your system. Take care and enjoy the music.
I replaced the 3 fuses in my Sugden A21 and really didn't want to hear a difference because that means I now would need to replace fuses in many different pieces. So I always err on the side of cynical. However, I really did hear a more open presentation and cursed my future purchases. Same cynical approach with power cord upgrades was met with a mixture of appreciation and resignation to more investment.
Please see http://www.affordableaudio.org/issues.html for measurement result.

For me I heard more details. The increase in details for the bass is quite obvious.
Thank you for all your answers (so far). Now to another part of the question not asked, when you replaced the fuses with either (HiFi Tuning or a different brand of high end fuse) was it in tubed or solid state and was it just in the amp or what piece(s) of equipment was it used in? and dispite the fact did it still have the same difference in sound/presentation?