Isoclean vs. Oyaide

Has anyone compared Isoclean duplex/wallplate to the Oyaide R-1/carbon fiber wallplate? Haven't seen anything here about the Isoclean duplex/wallplates. Thanks!
I have a good friend that had all of Isoclean's power equipment including their receptacles and also the Acoustic Revive RTP-6 passive power conditioner loaded with Oyaide R-1s. I suggested that he try the Synergistic Research Teslaplex receptacle. Within weeks after installing the Teslaplex, he retired all of his Isoclean equipment and the RTP-6.

I have never tried an IsoClean receptacle personally. FWIW, here's my review of the Oyaide SWO-XXX & R1, the Porter Port (another very fine receptacle), and the Teslaplex:

If you will read the comments following the review, you will find comparisons of the Teslaplex and the IsoClean.
I will buy a Teslaplex simply to try it out, but having used the Oyaide, after using FIM 880s (the top level model as well as the less expensive ones) and PS Audio outlets, and having auditioned the Synergistic Apex and Precision Reference interconnects as well as their $2400 power cord, I might have a different perspective.
I found SR's Apex cable distinctly learning towards the midbass/lower midrange frequencies. It was through SR's principals that I ended up adding the Apex to the Precision Reference audition, mainly on the Cambridge Audio 840, which is certainly not a unit with a rich midbass - lower midrange frequency range. A distinct emphasis. I tried the power cord at the same time, and it was good, but not radically better than the Shunyata CX series power cords. Not even, actually, better. I'd call it a draw. And keep in mind the $2400 cost of the Synergistic vs. the Shunyata Python's $1100 cost. I believe the Anaconda would be closer to the Synergistic $2400 cord, but I found the Viper to be the SR's near equal. Of course, in this case, the outlet could have been the culprit, which only shows that we really need ALL factors to be equal. People with different receptacles will experience different results with their equipment.

I did find, as I mentioned on your review thread of the R1s, that they move the stage forward. However, they DON'T move the back of the stage forward as well, so you get great depth, as well as a very distinct layering of depth. As for them making all recordings sound similar: not my experience.
One thing that audiophiles overlook, in my experience, is the desire to have a system with a certain "sound" regardless of whether or not that would be what an actual instrument sounds like in real life. We cannot help it. Even HP, if you read between the lines, favors a "sound." He likes his midbass lean, his choice of cartridges have been lean (at least, up until a few years ago), and his choice of Nordost interconnects continue that. Until he got the Odins, he would not have, he said, thought the Valhallas threadbare, but then he realized they were.
I don't doubt the Teslaplex is outstanding, but I'd hardly ignore the low-level detail (with full harmonic recreation) of the R1s. However, I'll simply buy a Teslaplex and try it out myself.