Best way to save cd collection?

Need advice on how to save my cd collection to a lossless format and play on my stereo system. Can someone give me a very, very simple explanation of what equipment and/or software I need? Keep in mind that I'm computer challenged. I have an iPod and would consider buying a DAC and Wadia docking station. Would also consider buying a laptop computer if necessary and "streaming" the music to my sytem. My goal is a simple, inexpensive approach that doesn't compromise the quality of the music. Have I mentioned that I'm computer challenged??

I have attached a link to a forum site where people post descriptions of there Mac Mini servers. It can be a great help while researching what fits your needs.

Mac Mini are easy to set up and use but it can get pricy. Window's based computer/servers are getting just as easy these days and will not cost as much but can required a little more computer know how.

FYI: a LaCie 2TB... is an external hard drive used with some music servers for music storage. Most music server do not have large internal hard drives.

I second the PC based storage idea. I am also interested in the Perfect Wave Transport and Perfect Wave DAC from PS Audio. They use outboard hard drives to store music. The PWT stores the CD in RAM so there is no jitter and uses I2s over HDMI to transmit the raw digital data to the DAC. The system will also play downloaded high quality DVD music discs. They are backordered at this time but they still have a trade in deal at up to $1000 off for a limited time.
There are as many ways to do this as there are ways to cook an egg.

Sonos. Squeezebox.
I've had an opportunity to talk with Walter at Underwood HiFi. Super nice gentleman who took the time to explain things in terms I could understand. I'll probably take his advice and get the modified ZP-90 and modified PS Audio DAC.
The most stable form of storage would be RAID 5.
The data is spread to 5 or more HDs and checksums also. So, in the event a drive dies you can replace it and the new drive will be reconstructed from the other 4, just takes time.
The only way to loose the works is if the whole thing gets zorched.