Blackburn Micro Tech Tubes no longer?

I just read this online. I sure hope someone buys the TechTube division. The new tubes are pretty nice:
Ha -- I ordered a quad yesterday morning and that evening, I found out they locked the doors. I wonder if I'll get the tubes (??). The order states pending. I ordered via CC, so if they don't show up in a few weeks, I should be able to dispute the order.

Darn, I heard they would give NOS Telefunkens a run for their money, tested fantastic in a Hickock 539C, run cooler than a similair 12AX7, and were very quiet (this all from someone who purchased a pair & represents a major US audio company -- their lab has a few they have set aside for testing).
The order site is still up and they show them as being in stock. Hopefully they will still fulfill orders until the stock is depleted.